Bwindi National Park

1. Gorilla Tracking Gorilla tracking in Bwindi National Park is a popular activity that involves trekking through the dense forest to observe the endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitat.  Here's how the gorilla tracking activity takes place in Bwindi National Park: Booking: Visitors interested in gorilla tracking need to book permits in advance through the Uganda Wildlife Authority or a registered tour operator. Permits cost US$ 700, and each permit allows one person to track one gorilla family for one hour.   Briefing: The activity usually starts early in the morning,

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is a protected area located in southwestern Uganda, bordering the Democratic Republic of Congo to the west and Rwanda to the south. This park is managed by the Uganda Wildlife Authority, and efforts are ongoing to protect its fragile ecosystem and promote sustainable tourism in the area. The park was established in 1991 and was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1994 due to its exceptional biodiversity and cultural significance, as it is home to several indigenous communities who have lived in the area